Parent and Carer Hub
The resilience project delivers emotionally engaging programs and provides evidence based practical strategies to build resilience. The digital program consists of online presentations and lessons for students, professional development for staff and a video series for our parent and carer community.
Over the coming weeks we will be sharing the parent and carer program with you. The videos are 5-10 minutes long and will walk through the key pillars of resilience: Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. You’ll hear stories and be introduced to activities to show how these strategies can support our kids learning and development, and also support you as parents and carers.
This program is an important part of our schools effort to look after the mental health of our community.
We will be in touch weekly to share the remainder of the program, including research and wellbeing activities to integrate into day to day life.
Part 2 : Gratitude
Gratitude is paying attention to the things that we have right now, and not worrying about what we don’t have. We practise this by noticing the positives that exist around us.
Positive Behaviour Support
To ensure we provide students with a safe and happy learning environment we follow the same set of rules.
Students at St Oliver Plunkett’s are expected to:
Follow directions
Keep hands and feet to yourself
Move safely
Listen to the speaker
Speak and act appropriately
Take care of property.
Every student has the right to a safe and happy environment where learning is central. Students who “do the right thing” will be rewarded through positive praise and recognition, while students who choose to place themselves outside school policy will face consequences which hopefully will lead to improved behaviour. It is our hope that all students will embrace the school’s rules and develop a positive attitude towards learning and relating to others in the school community. Rules and behaviour expectations are displayed in all classrooms as well as the school foyer.
Learning Dispositions
Our Learning Dispositions help students become more independent and engaged in the learning process. We believe that the more students understand how a ‘good learner’ behaves, the more they will be able to develop this behaviour for themselves. Our list of key Learning Dispositions are attached below. Each disposition has a colour linked to it. These are an essential part of each lesson, where children identify the key dispositions needed for the task and their own key areas for improvement.
Lunchtime Clubs
Sustainability / Gardening